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Ending of last nights film?

Discussion in 'TC Media' started by Richmal, Dec 21, 2008.

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  1. Richmal

    May 4, 2008
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    I guess i must be thick, but i cannot work out what the ending of the french film 'Hidden' meant last night, it was magic, but ended with camera on school, who was doing the stalking, does any one know?
  2. Richmal

    May 4, 2008
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    I aint thick after all, just checked on net and there are many different takes on the ending of the fil, with some suggesting that there is actually no hidden camera, just the producer playing tricks, anyway i got this review on ending, if anyone is interested!

    i don't think are to know the sender of the tape.
    Casue really then its not that scary....okay i know this isn't really a horror movie but listen.
    I think the movie as it is is very scary. Someone that you don't know, knows your deep hidden secrets. Its just fear of the unknown.

    And at the end when the credits were rolling it shows like another hidden camera, looking at a another subject, maybe. (EDIT okay i guess that i didn't really watch this clearly, but people say that it was the kid.)
    I think this movie is ment to scare us into thinking that someone is always watching.

    But i know the purpose of the sending of the tapes was for geroge to reveal his guilt, because he was keeping it locked up inside. So the sender of the tapes could have been anybody. and it dosen't matter who it is. the only thing that matter is that whoever it is, is out there
  3. tim park

    Nov 16, 2007
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    mabye theres a clue in the title of the film
  4. Ricardinho

    Sep 11, 2006
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