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[Cross Platform] General Chat

Discussion in 'Computers and Gaming' started by Moustache, Jul 8, 2014.

Discuss General Chat in the Computers and Gaming area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Some of you may have seen the thread I made in the Helpdesk regarding this (a link here for anyone who want's to read that post).

    I thought it might be worth having a general discussion thread in this section. Basically I thought this could be the place to post general gaming news, or discuss games that don't have their own thread.


    The final episode of The Wolf Among Us, is released today. TellTale released a pretty decent trailer for it, although it has quite few spoilers from the previous episodes. It would be good to see a second series, although that seems unlikely at the moment.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3ow-jYEDko"]The Wolf Among Us - Episode 5 Trailer - YouTube[/ame]


    Following up on the story that Crytek are in pretty serious financial trouble leading to the cancellation of multiple projects (including a potential Ryse 2), and staff not being paid. Workers at Crytek UK are apparently going on strike, and work on Homefront: The Revolution has stopped for the time being.

    Here's a couple of articles on Crytek's financial issues

    Destructoid Article

    IGN Article

    There's also a couple more articles discussing the problems at Crytek UK from the same sites

    Destructoid Article

    IGN Article


    The indie game, Cuphead, which received a lot of praise at E3 was rumoured to be the first part of a planned trilogy of games. The developers seem to be suggesting something more along the lines of expansion packs, but at the same time not ruling out potential sequels.

    Here's a trailer for the game which is seemingly designed to look like a classic cartoon

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jDZfREYppk"]Cuphead E3 2014 Trailer - YouTube[/ame]


    Sony's first person teen horror game, Until Dawn has recently resurfaced in the form of a trademark filing in the US. The game hasn't been seen since its reveal at Gamescom 2012.

    There were rumours for a time that the game (which required the use of the PS Move) had been cancelled, but more recent rumours are suggesting that the game is being redeveloped to work on the Project Morpheus virtual reality headset.

    The game was confirmed to still be in development as of March this year by
    Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida. Yoshida also stated regarding the Morpheus rumours

    Here's some articles from CVG discussing the rumours from March, and the recent trademark filing

    Teen horror Until Dawn reportedly reworked for PS4 Morpheus


    Although its probably outdated now, here's the initial reveal trailer from 2012 for anyone interested

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yQsa3uwkR8"]Until Dawn Gamescom 2012 Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]


    Ken Levine, creator of the Bioshock series has confirmed via Twitter that the potential Bioshock Vita game is unlikely to ever to be made. Apparently 2K and Sony couldn't reach an agreement regarding the development of the game.

    Article from Polygon on Levine's tweets

    Levine recently left Irrational Games (makers of Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite) to form his own studio, which lead to the developer shutting down.


    Another gameplay demo of the upcoming Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has been released. The game is due out in October for PC, PS3 and 360. Although 2K have confirmed that they'll consider porting the game to the PS4 and One depending on sales.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DpJNBEEloI"]Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel -- E3 2014 Narrated Gameplay Walkthrough - YouTube[/ame]


    EA has decided to explain its decision to remove pools and toddlers from the Sims 4. Accoridng to EA, Maxis the developers

    Here's the full article for anyone interested


    Finally, I saw this article a couple of months ago but forgot to mention it here. It's basically a list of the top 30 indie horror games (according to this site) coming out this year. Some of the games have been released already, but the majority are still in development

    30 Upcoming Indie Horror Games You Should Be Excited About!
  2. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Just a few more updates from the last week or so

    Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega is apparently suing Activison for the use of his name and and likeness in Black Ops 2.

    IGN article

    CVG article


    The Walking Dead: Season 2 - Episode 4: Amid the Ruins was released this week.

    I haven't watched it myself (since I'm waiting for the last episode to be released before I play the game) but here's the trailer for anyone who wants to watch it. The trailer does contain spoilers for the previous episode(s).



    Another preorder DLC for Batman:Arkham Knight has leaked before it's official reveal by GameStop, who were exclusively offering the DLC in the US.

    It features the Red Hood, who is the alias of the second Robin


    CVG article with a little more info


    Two of EA's big games for the latter half of the year have been delayed.

    Battlefield: Hardline has been delayed until 2015

    Dragon Age Inquistion has been delayed by just over a month, with the new relase date being the 21st of November.

    IGN article on the delays


    The first 100 cars of Forza Horizon 2 have been announced. Here's the image relased by the developers


    The official Xbox website has the full list


    Star Wars Battlefront is apparently going to be released alongside or close to Episode 7. The movie is due out at the end of next year.

    CVG article


    Lara Croft and the Temple of Osirs (the 4 player co-op, top down dungeon crawler) is due to release on the 9th of Decmeber.


    Mortal Kombat X will likely feature a guest character. Freddy Krueger was the most popular DLC character from the last Mortal Kombat, and this has supposedly convinced the studio to do something similar with the DLC for this game.

    The current rumoured characters (based on tweets by Ed Boon co-creator of the series) are Jason from Friday the 13th, the Predator from the movies of the same name, and Sweet Tooth from the Twisted Metal series.

    In regards to the latter character, this may just be a similar deal with Sony as the previous game featured Kratos (of the * of War series) as a bonus character. The 360 edition was originally going to feature Marcus Fenix from Gears of War but a deal between the developers and MS couldn't be reached.

    IGN article on the guest character

    Raiden was also revealed as another character to appear in the game.


    Ermac is also possibly going to revealed at some point in the future. One of the artists for the game has an image in his online portfolio that bares some resemblance to the charcter. The artist claimed it's just fan art that he drew in his spare time, but we'll find out soon enough.



    Finally, if anyone has kids, younger siblings etc that are into Disney/Marvel there has been a few announcements regarding Disney Infinty 2.0.

    Stich (Lilo and Stich) and Tinkerbell (Peter Pan) have been announced as new figures for the game


    The Guardians of the Galaxy will also be getting a play set and figures to tie in with the upcoming movie.


    A collectors edition has also been announced which includes all of the Avengers figurines and early access to the Hulk


    Destructoid has articles on each for anyone who's interested or wants a little more information.

    Stitch and Tinkerbell

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    Collectors Edition
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2014
  3. Lennon2011

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Just noticed this, Well laid out mate will make for good reading later :50:
  4. nudge1086 Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Walk On
    OUYA console, picked one up for £70 new just to see if theres anything of interest on it. Anyone know of anything decent on it :56:
  5. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Destiny, btw.
  6. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Thanks :50:

    TowerFall Ascension got quite a lot of praise, although you can get that on PS4 (it's one of the Plus games for this month) and on PC now. It's primarily a co-op game, although there are some single-player challenges. It's of the PS4 version, but here's some gameplay that might give you a better idea of what it's about.


    Amazing Frog is a sort of cult game on the OUYA. It's not a particularly good game by all accounts, but that seems to add to its 'charm' for a lot of people. Its seemingly had a few updates since this video, but it's the best one I could find without commentary.


    One of the Final Fantasy games is on it as well (Final Fantasy 4 I think) if that's your sort of thing.

    It seems from what I've read about the OUYA online, is that most people use it as an emulator rather than for the actual OUYA games.

    I've got a few more bits of news and random stories


    Google has bought Twitch (the live streaming service) for $1 billion. Twitch apparently has over 50 million active users.

    You can read about the deal in a bit more depth at theses links





    A new entry in the Fatal Frame horror series was announced for Wii U. The game hasn't been announced for a western release yet, but someone has done an English subtitled version of the trailer


    Zero: Nuregarasu no Miko (which translates to Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden) is set against the backdrop of a cursed lakeside manor in the mountains, where themes of water and hydrophobia will feature prominently.


    A new Bioshock is seemingly being hinted at by the 2K UK twitter account, who posted this picture late last night along with the message



    EA announced the other day that they would no longer provide technical support for the Sims 2. However, to coincide with this decision they have also announced that the Sims 2 Ultimate edition (which contains the base game plus all the DLC) will be free for everyone until the 31st July.

    To get the game


    Whilst promoting their new game Pillars of Eternity, Obsidian have also been discussing the possibility of working on the Fallout and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic again.

    In regards to Fallout, Josh Sawyer (director of Fallout: New Vegas ) said

    I quite like the sound of a Fallout game set in New Orleans. Point Lookout was a great DLC and NO would allow for something a bit similar.

    If you want to read the full interviews here they are


    Knights of the Old Republic

    Pillars of Eternity


    Trine: Enhanced edition has been announced for PC, PS4 and Wii U. The original game is being remade in the Trine 2 engine.

    Anyone who bought the original game on PC will get this update for free

    Full details on IGN


    The new DOOM game which was shown exclusively to attendees of Quakecon is said to be an origin/reboot.


    BioWare will debut a new IP at Gamescom. Here's the teaser trailer

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2014
  7. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Sony has accidently revealed the games that they're planning on showing at Gamescom

    The leak has confirmed the rumoured PS4 editions of Journey and The Unfinished Swan, as well as the re-emergence of Until Dawn (more details in the first post). Here's the full list


    Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor has a new release date and story trailer (featuring Gollum and Sauron).

    The game was originally set to release in Europe on October 9th, but the date has been moved forward a week to October 2nd

    Here's the new trailer

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvIGlS7fK-Y"]Middle-earthâ„¢: Shadow of Mordorâ„¢ Story Trailer: The Bright Lord | PS4 & PS3 - YouTube[/ame]

    I wasn't too sure about the game when it was first announced, but I'm a little more interested now. I still think it would have been better as a brand new IP though.


    The Tekken 7 announce trailer now has an extended version.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmjH6x-WPDc"]Tekken 7 - The Final Battle Extended Trailer - YouTube[/ame]


    They're about a month old, but I've found some behind the scenes videos for the Order: 1886. They're quite a good watch for anyone interested in the games.

    The first is on the setting of the game and some of the background of the world. The second is on the development and design of the main enemies of the game the Lycans

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS0RLTlVs4c&list=PLol_ykYs3OQ6R7HFbi-OX_djlVOn7emY6&index=1"]The Order: 1886 | Official Behind the Scenes 1 | Fusing History & Mythology (PS4) - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI0nLoMIvK8&list=PLol_ykYs3OQ6R7HFbi-OX_djlVOn7emY6&index=2"]The Order: 1886 | Official Behind the Scenes 2 | The Evolution of the Half-Breeds (PS4) - YouTube[/ame]


    An accolades trailer for The Wolf Among Us season finale has been released. It's another well put together trailer, but it has quite a few spoilers for anyone who wants to avoid them.


    It's a pretty good series and better than the Walking Dead in some ways, I would definitely recommend it to anyone. I wasn't to keen on the premise at first, but its really well done.


    Not strictly gaming news but it is related to arguably last years biggest/best game.

    Maisie Williams who plays Arya Stark in Game of Thrones, has apparently been approached to play Ellie in The Last of Us movie.

    There's more on the movie at this link

    The Last of Us movie - IGN
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2014
  8. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Aye I read that article about TLOU earlier. Over the moon.

    Perfect fit for the role.
  9. Lennon2011

    Oct 17, 2011
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    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl9J_ewx3Rg"]Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Pre-Alpha Walkthrough - YouTube[/ame]

    Wow this looks incredible
  10. Big Boss Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 10, 2012
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    A new KOTOR and a new Fallout? Yes please.
  11. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    It's looking a lot more promising than when it was originally announced. I'm hoping in turns out to be a good game despite the initial negative reaction.

    The New Orleans setting sounds really interesting, but I'm not too sure of Obsidian developing. They're usually pretty good at the story and setting, but after New Vegas I can't say I have much faith in them. I've genuinely never played a game that was so full of bugs, glitches and barely functioning as that one.

    I've got some more news and updates


    Telltale have announced The Walking Dead: Season 3


    The Watch Dogs Twitter account has posted an image that seemingly hints at the location for a DLC



    EA has announced a PS Plus style subscription service, EA Access for Xbox One

    CVG have described the service in this article, but I'll post the main details here.

    Sony were offered the service as well, but turned it down. You can read the whole article here, but for convinence here's what a Sony spokesperson had to say

    It seems like a fairly stupid decision by Sony. I think people would rather have the option to decide whether or not the subscription is value for themselves. Although I probably wouldn't get it personally, it does seem like a decent deal.


    According to Activison, the Destiny beta attracted 4,638,937 unique players


    Sony's PS4 streaming service PS Now is undergoing beta testing in the US. At the moment people only have the option to rent games for 4, 7, 30 or 90 days for various prices but Sony are considering the possibility of adding an unlimited service via a subscription.

    Here's a video Sony posted which shows the service in action



    There's been a lot going on at Crytek over the last week. Recently there's been a lot of rumours regarding the financial situation of Crytek (more in the first post), which the company denied but there's been some big developments.c

    The Homefront ip has been sold to Deep Silver who will now oversee the development of Homefront: The Revolution. A new studio (Dambuster Studios) will be set up in Nottingham and will take over development duties from Crytek UK, although some rumours suggest that the new studio will be made up of the former personnel of the latter studio.

    Their other recently announced game Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age will see development moved from their Austin studio (made up of former Vigil employees who developed the Darksiders series) to a studio in Frankfurt. The Austin studio will now be used as an in house support team for the Cry Engine.

    IGN have a couple of articles up on the recent issues

    Homefront IP sold

    Hunt development moves to Germany


    There's been some new details revealed about next Mass Effect, as well as some images and a video.

    The Mako from the original Mass Effect will return, and will apparently be a major feature.

    Commander Shepard will not return





    LittleBigPlanet 3 will release on PS3 & PS4 this November (18th in North America, with a European release date still to be announced).

    Different a retailers will offer exclusive pre-order costume packs, and whilst this is for the US they'll probably be the same over here.





  12. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Playstation Now is a good idea but I think they've made an * of it. The idea of renting games is * crazy.

    Reading the comments on that video and some people have it spot on. It should be like Netflix, a certain amount of money every month for an unlimited access to the games.
  13. Lennon2011

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I was laughing when I read sonys response to the ea vault, They are charging about £15-20 for 90 days rental of games that can be picked up for a few quid..
  14. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Some more news and updates


    The first WWE 2K15 details have been released courtesy of IGN (they'll be covering the game throughout August).

    Yukes will still head development but Visual Concepts will handle the motion capture and commentary (they previously worked on NBA 2K14). Here's the first image, featuring John Cena


    The story mode according to IGN will focus more on individual feuds, like mini documentaries, instead of the broad history of the WWE as seen in the previous game.

    A 'Hulkamania' collectors edition has also been announced, it's a limited run and I'm not sure if it's available in the UK yet.


    IGN article on WWE 2K15

    Collectors Edition details


    EA Access will not require an Xbox live subscription


    A limited edition PS4, called the 'Gaystation' was sold at auction in Sweden. The console was sold for 28,300 Swedish krona, with the money going towards supporting a LGBT charity



    The original Bioshock is being ported to iOS devices. You can read more about it here


    A German magazine has seemingly leaked another character appearing in Mortal Kombat X. The images seem to show that Kano will returning in the newest entry.




    An image showing a cloth map of Assassins Creed Unity's version of Paris has leaked online. The map was supposedly given to people who have collaborated on the game with Ubisoft.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  15. Jamesy Bhoy 7

    Feb 7, 2010
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    Co Antrim
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    Youll Never Walk Alone/ Fields of Athenry
    Decided to trade in my ps3 version of the TLOU for the ps4 version, to say it looks incredible would be an understatement.
  16. Captain_Mjällby

    May 30, 2010
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    Celtic symphony
    Some good games to look forward too, cuphead, far cry 4, fifa 15 and sunset overdrive. Really hoping for a fallout 4 announcement soon though.
  17. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The end of the year is looking pretty good in terms of the games being released. It's a shame that there hasn't been anything (for me at least) released in the last few months.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Fallout 4 got an announcement at the end of this year/start of next year like Skyrim did.

    There's been a couple of big announcements/leaks today, plus the usual smaller tidbits.


    Ubisoft had announced that whilst the PS3 & 360 would not be getting Assassins Creed: Unity, they would still be getting an Assassins Creed game.

    This last-gen AC has now seemingly been leaked and is titled Assassins Creed: Rouge

    [ame="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x22u0ss_assassin-s-creed-rogue-trailer-off-screen_videogames?start=121"]Assassin's Creed Rogue - Trailer off-screen - Vidéo Dailymotion[/ame]

    The game will let you sail across the Atlantic, and explore the Arctic. The main character is said to be a Templar

    Here's some images













    The original Resident Evil is being remastered for PC, PS3, PS4, 360 & ONE. It will be an update of the 2004 GameCube remake and is due out in 2015.

    You can read more about it here


    Bungie have released an infographic detailing some of the different fact and figures from the Destiny beta; its pretty interesting to see how many people took part. Its a little hard to read all of it, but there's a better version here

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  18. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Assassin's Creed Rogue has just been announced by Ubisoft. Release date is November 11th and will be available on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Here is a link to the article: http://blog.ubi.com/assassins-creed-rogue-announced/

    Trailer: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoOsv0FBpaU"]Assassin’s Creed Rogue Cinematic Announcement Trailer [US] - YouTube[/ame]

    Not sure why this isn't being released for PS4/Xbox One, it seems a bit silly.
  19. Cena Never Give Up Gold Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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  20. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Aye but that doesn't mean Rogue shouldn't be cross generation. They did it with Black Flag.

    Didn't even realise that Moustache had posted about AC, apologies mate:50: