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[Cross Platform] General Chat

Discussion in 'Computers and Gaming' started by Moustache, Jul 8, 2014.

Discuss General Chat in the Computers and Gaming area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. honda Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Whens this new halo out? I want an xbox one bad, but whats the point until the game i want it fors out :56: mays well stick with mario kart until then
  2. Cena Never Give Up Gold Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    2015 although the master chief collection comes out in November i think
  3. Captain_Mjällby

    May 30, 2010
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    Halo 2 had the best multiplayer, hopefully the remaster will be great.
  4. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    I've got some more news and updates. Thankfully this post will be a lot shorter than my last one, which managed to exceed the forums character limit :smiley-laughing002:

    WWE 2K15

    The full roster for WWE 2K15 has been announced . The game contains 56 unique characters, and two alternate versions of Hulk Hogan and Sting (although some places are reporting that 20+ characters are still to be announced).

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    The confusion regarding the exclusivity deal with Microsoft continues, with Phil Spencer (head of Microsoft's Xbox division) once again seemingly implying MS are more involved with the development of the game than previously implied.

    Kotaku have spoken to Spencer regarding the deal, and this was his initial response (the full article can be read here)

    However, he later commented on the deal stating

    This has led to the belief that the deal may be similar to that of Dead Rising 3. Capcom had no plans for a DR3 until MS offered to help fund the development, although the game was later made available on PC.

    Previously Square Enix (the publishers of Tomb Raider) had expressed their disappointment in the previous Tomb Raider game for not reaching certain sales targets (although the game did eventually reach and exceed their targets). Microsoft investing in the development may reduce the total amount SE themselves have to invest in development, although profits would obviously need to be spilt.

    I would be very surprised personally if the game never turns up on PS4. When you look at the (rumoured) numbers the game sold on PS3/4, its pretty much equal to or greater than the Xbox. Add in the fact that it took them releasing the game of five unique platforms to meet their sales targets, it would be a pretty strange decision.

    Silent Hills

    Hideo Kojima has revealed a little more about the recently announced Silent Hills game (which is apparently still very early in development).


    Assassins Creed: Unity

    Gameinfomer have a new article on their site detailing the character Elise, who's apparently both Arno's love interest and a Templar.

    There was also a character trailer for her, that I think I forgot to post at the time.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEVD31y8cME"]Assassin's Creed Unity - Elise Reveal Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

    Here's an extract from the Gameinformer article (which can be read in full here)

  5. Saul Goodman Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Does anyone have any idea idea what the trade in value of an 80GB fat PS3 would be in a game shop?
  6. Jozo The Provo

    Aug 30, 2013
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    hill 16
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    50 I'd say go into that game shop on liffey street for the best deal
  7. Captain_Mjällby

    May 30, 2010
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    Celtic symphony
    Just ordered forza 5 for the One. Really curious about the whole top gear sentiment. Will be a nice warmup for horizon 2 :50:

    Gonna be som fall this year. The games i will buy is:

    Forza horizon 2
    GTA V (XONE)
    Far cry 4
    Fifa 15
    Master chief collection
    Halo 5

    Thinking about buying destiny aswell but ill wait tile the reviews come in.
  8. Saul Goodman Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Dunno if 50 would be worth it although the disk reader is *
  9. Cena Never Give Up Gold Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Halo 5 isn't coming out this year
  10. Captain_Mjällby

    May 30, 2010
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    Celtic symphony
    Oh alright, well ill have plenty to play anyway.
  11. Jozo The Provo

    Aug 30, 2013
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    hill 16
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    celtic symphony
    Just open it up and clean it takes 10 minutes to get to it then the disk reader should be fine
  12. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Some more news, updates and gameplay videos. Coincidentally after Captain Mjällby mentioning it, 343 have released a video showing an hour of Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer.

    Halo 2: Anniversary/Halo: The Master Chief Collection

    Gameplay showing the maps Ascension and Sanctuary



    The Bloodborne demo shown to journalists at Gamescom, has now been posted on the Playstation channel.


    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

    The Mother Base multiplayer mode was revealed at Gamescom, and like Bloodborne the video has now been posted online.


    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    A video showcasing 35 minutes of the Witcher 3 has been released. It's supposedly a mixture of some old and new footage.


    The Evil Within

    Bethesda have released an hour long video showing some gameplay of The Evil Within.

    From what I've read online, it seems to be a lot more action focused than survival horror. A lot of the previews that I've seen (even before this video) have been fairly negative.


    Resident Evil: Revelations 2

    A sequel to Resident Evil: Revelations (which was originally a 3DS game before being ported to consoles and PC) has seemingly been leaked by Xbox.com

    A listing for a Resident Evil: Revelations 2 was seen on the site, alongside an image of what appears to be the box art and a piece of concept art. All have since been removed.



    Far Cry 4

    A new developer diary for Far Cry 4 has been released. This one focuses on the open world and co-op.

    Apparently story missions are disabled during co-op sessions, but are instead replaced with more co-op orientated content.


    Alone in the Dark & Haunted House

    Atari have announced that both the Alone in the Dark & Haunted House series will be getting new entries. Both games are said to be reboots


    Eurogamer have a pretty good interview with Shuhei Yoshida (head of Sony Worldwide Studios) on their website. It covers a few different topics including the PS4 sales, upcoming games, Tomb Raider and EA Access.

    Here's a couple of extracts

    I agree with what he's saying about EA Access. It's definitely a good deal, but depending on its success there's nothing stopping Activision, Ubisoft etc following suit.

    Long term it might end up having an impact on the games that Plus and Games on Gold offer. On the other hand I suppose it allows people to get games that they prefer rather than the random nature of Sony or Microsoft's offerings.

    Here's the link for the full interview for anyone who wants to read it.


    Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft's Xbox division has been interviewed by CVG. He discusses the Tomb Raider deal, EA Access, future plans for the one amongst other things.

    One of the more interesting parts of the interview was his response regarding the future of Rare (the studio who developed Goldeneye, the original Killer Instinct games, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie and many more).

    Rare have mainly been working on the Kinect in recent times, developing Kinect Sports 1 & 2. The latter game sold relatively poorly by all accounts, and with MS seemingly moving away from the Kinect it leaves the studios future somewhat uncertain. It is important to remember though that the majority of the original staff of Rare no longer work at the studio.

    The full interview can be read here.


    • Yves Guillemot (Ubisoft CEO) has said that Watch Dogs will be the last 'mature' game that the company will release on the Wii U. In an interview with Gameimformer Guillemot said Nintendo customers do not buy games like Assassins Creed, preferring ones such as Just Dance (the interview can be read in full here)

    • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will not be released on Wii U
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2014
  13. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Some more news, previews and videos.


    A launch trailer for Destiny has been released ahead of the games release on the 9th September.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb7pUDotaHE&list=UU52XYgEExV9VG6Rt-6vnzVA"]Official Destiny - Launch Gameplay Trailer [UK] - YouTube[/ame]

    They also recently posted a couple of videos showing Venus and Mars.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhCCyA9EAFM&list=UU52XYgEExV9VG6Rt-6vnzVA"]Official Destiny Gameplay Trailer: Venus [UK] - YouTube[/ame]


    FIFA 15

    Eden Hazard will feature alongside Messi on the cover of FIFA 15.


    It was previously announced that Clint Dempsey will be featured on the North American cover. However, due to the Seattle Sounders being sponsored by Xbox, the PlayStation and Xbox versions will have alternate covers.


    For anyone curious, here's who appears alongside Messi on the covers in different countries/regions

    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

    The horror/murder mystery game that was shown at Sony's Gamescom conference, now has a release date (on PC at least).

    The game will be released on September 25th on Steam and GOG, and on PS4 some time next year.

    Here's a brief summary of the game courtesy of Destructoid

    Here's the video in question, which is a gameplay demo narrated by one of the developers.


    The Tomorrow Children

    The Sony Japan/Q-Games (creators of the Pixeljunk series ) collaboration has got a bit more information in the form of previews from both Destructoid and Kotkau.

    I think I posted the reveal trailer already, but here it is for anyone who hasn't seen it.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeKveRw_z5k"]The Tomorrow Children - Gamescom 2014 Announcement Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

    For anyone who want's to read either preview in full, here's links to both articles.

    Destructoid Preview

    Kotaku Preview

    Grand Theft Auto V

    The San Andreas Flight School update was released a couple of days ago for GTA Online.

    It adds new vehicles (both land and air), new flight challenges, higher payouts and harder missions.

    Here's the announce trailer

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQOxvY7l0Rs"]Grand Theft Auto Online: The San Andreas Flight School Update - YouTube[/ame]
  14. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Some more news, videos etc.

    Assassins Creed: Unity

    There's a new short video from the developers discussing how they've redeveloped the gameplay mechanics for Unity.


    Far Cry 4

    Mark Thompson (Narrative Director) and Alex Hutchinson (Creative Director) have spoken to the US PlayStation Blog regarding how a trip to Nepal affected the development of the game.

    For anyone who want's to read the full article, here's the link.

    Rainbow Six: Siege

    Some new gameplay footage of the upcoming game has been released, courtesy of the developers Twitch channel.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0sJ66cILOM"]Rainbow Six Siege on Twitch - Developer Gameplay Session - YouTube[/ame]

    Silent Hills

    Not so much news, but something a little funny/interesting.

    Hideo Kojima has explained the story behind the made up 7780's studio, who were attributed to the development of P.T. demo (prior to the announcement that it was actually a Silent Hill/Kojima game).

  15. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    More updates and videos.

    Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor

    IGN sat down with the developers to stream an hour's worth of gameplay footage, and just generally discuss the game.


    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Crystal Dynamics have posted a FAQ on their Tomb Raider Tumblr page (not sure why they chose to post it there of all places), which discusses the exclusivity deal.

    I don't see how mentioning that the game is only a timed exclusive is going to confuse people.

    When you watch Sony's conferences they always just say "Launching first on PS3/PS4/PlayStation consoles".

    Disney Infinity 2.0

    I know this probably isn't a game that really interests the majority of people on here, but just in case anyone has children, nieces/nephews, etc.

    There's a new trailer, and a piece of news.


    Disney have also announced that the original Disney Infinity will be available as a free download on the Wii U.

    Since the sequel won't be coming to the Wii, the company decided as a show of good will, to allow people the opportunity to play the game on a platform where the sequel is available (although people still need to buy the figures and docking station to be able to actually play the game).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2014
  16. Captain_Mjällby

    May 30, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Player:
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    Celtic symphony
    Been playing forza 5 all weekend, Best racing game ive played no doubt. LOve how the new xbox one controller is so smooth to drive with.
    Also managed to set my X one on USA as region, games are really cheap to download from there!
  17. odonno

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Can you do that with 360?
  18. Captain_Mjällby

    May 30, 2010
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    Big Maj
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    Celtic symphony
    Yeah I think so. Just make sure you put oregon as region, they have the cheapest taxes.
  19. odonno

    Mar 31, 2008
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    ACDC <3
  20. Captain_Mjällby

    May 30, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Maj
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    Celtic symphony