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Chernobyl (HBO)

Discussion in 'TC Media' started by Fontaine, May 21, 2019.

Discuss Chernobyl (HBO) in the TC Media area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Montero Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    The show creator done an AMA on Reddit if anyone wants to read it.

  2. adequate citizen Zenon Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 13, 2017
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    absolutely loved it! brilliant production with great attention to details very rarely seen in western productions concerning soviet state reality. great cast. very. very moving...... and reminded me of the most disgusting taste of the lugola liquid we'd been given at school in * June'86 (kind of too late....)
    couldn't recommend it more.
    and this scene on the rail bridge will be haunting me for quite some time.....

    i've watched it on this one:

  3. stew37

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Watched it over 2 nights, brilliant show although very tough viewing. Brilliantly made, soundtrack so creepy and went with it so well.
  4. Scotia Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 11, 2007
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    here and there
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    you wear the hoops thats good enough
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    over and over
    really was an excellent programme ! worth watching for anyone not seen it .
  5. stew37

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I was initially slightly put off by the English speaking in it as had assumed it would be in subtitles. The early stages with the fire brigade was like London's Burning or something and I thought it might actually affect the realism of the show, but to be honest it really didn't bother me as it went on.

    It's all very grim viewing but compelling, a number of really sad stories and when you think that this is just a dramatic retelling of a fraction of them, and the reality was undoubtedly a hundred times worse, it's genuinely horrific and unsettling.

    Episode 4 was horrible, actually saying '* * man' under my breath while watching it myself. A few things brought up in that episode that you'd probably be aware of if you really thought about it, ie the animals etc, but that hit home a little more with the way they cover it. Psychologically a lot of folk were no doubt ruined, never mind the physical effects. An absolute * up all in all. Just need to hope that nothing like that happens again but in all honesty, think it's inevitable. Cheery stuff.
  6. Fontaine Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Yeah, it was a reservation of mine too but atleast they were consistent with the accents for the most part as that's some that can annoy me while watching stuff.

    It was only a week ago there was a wild fire that was heading in the direction of the Chernobyl site, that doesn't bear thinking about if it wasn't contained.
    stew37 and Blochairnbhoy like this.
  7. MickeyyMack CELTIC GLASGOW OK Gold Member

    Dec 27, 2018
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    Republic of North Glasgow
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    A programme is starting tonight on Ch4 at 7:30 think it’s a 2 part series but looks pretty decent and for anyone who has followed the story and liked it may be interested

    Chernobyl-The New Evidence.

    Formerly secret KGB files reveal the truth about the 1986 explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in war-torn Ukraine. At 1:23am on 26 April 1986, Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, releasing clouds of deadly radioactive fallout. The poisonous atomic cloud spread over Europe, causing at least 5,000 cases of cancer. Chernobyl: The New Evidence reveals a story of cover-ups ahead of the explosion and, afterwards, bravery that saved the world from an even deadlier disaster. The documents reveal just how much the KGB knew about issues at the Chernobyl plant in the run-up to the disaster, due to a number of undercover agents and informers working at the reactor site. Featuring leading experts alongside eyewitness accounts, from a KGB general, a reactor worker, firemen and a young mother whose unborn child’s life was put at stake, this series reveals a story that has stayed hidden for years and lays bare the terrible human consequences of the world’s worst nuclear disaster.